影片故事講述富紳猝死,兒女爭財,吳家大院,詭案頻發! 民國年間,吳家鎮富紳吳大德突然暴斃家中。大兒子吳生財、二兒子吳有道開始爭奪家產,小女兒夾雜其中。因吳大德死狀詭異不祥,吳家人選擇深夜出殯,卻不料墓穴早已被群蛇入侵,三女兒也看見“女鬼壓棺”的滲人一幕,無奈在管家林初一的建議下,再擇穴位,頭七之日下葬。 可就在這七日,吳家大院開始頻發詭異,一件比一件滲人、恐怖的事件相繼發生。二兒子吳有道夢中遭遇霓桑。大兒子吳生財撞見父親死而復活,陷入恐怖的夢中夢的困擾。管家林初一遭遇鬼打墻,醒來竟是被困在吳大德的棺材里進而發瘋, 雪夜寂靜,鬼影突顯,靈堂之上,紙人漂移。究竟是人心叵測,還是索命還魂。驚悚、恐怖、滲人始終籠罩在已然成為“兇宅”的吳家大院...
2024 恐怖簡介:A demonic cult has summoned the ultimate beast, Bigfoot, to prowl the mountains and slaughter innocent victims. But when Claude is attacked by the creature, the curse of Bigfoot is passed down to him. Now Claude turns into a hairy, fanged beast at night, thirsty for warm blood. Only the power of a nun trained in exorcism can hope to set Claude free from this nightmare. But it m...
- 4.0 尸體沐浴
- 5.0 秘魯奧魯Bhairavakona
- 3.0 苗嶺詭事
- 9.0 FPS
- 6.0 惡魔之浴